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no planet orbiting me, but still feeling like a star

i’m a tour guide for vandy, and a big point that i emphasize on all my stops is that, regardless of your abilities and background, you can find classes in all subjects that will interest you. and then i follow it up with a story, because no one really flies hundreds of miles to nashville…

hoping for a good (tardi)grade on this blog

At first glance, tardigrades don’t look like much. Affectionately nicknamed “water bears” and “moss piglets”, it’s hard to believe that this millimeter long creature is one of Earth’s most durable extremophiles. According to BCC, tardigrades are found all over the planet from the bottom of the ocean, to Antarctica, to the tops of the Himalayas.…

What’s in a name?: Gonggong & Xiangliu

Much like many of their small world counterparts, Gonggong and Xianglu are a dwarf planet and moon (respectively) named after characters in mythology. Gonggong, a dwarf planet residing in the scattered disc beyond Neptune, is named after a Chinese water god. Gonggong is depicted as having a copper human head, read hair, and a dragon-like…

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